segunda-feira, 11 de julho de 2011

Integridade académica

Numa altura de teses plagiadas e muitos outros copianços, valerá a pena olhar com atenção para os exemplos que nos vêm da Universidade do Estado de Michigan.

Statement of Academic Integrity
'Whatever form it takes, academic dishonesty hurts everyone: it is unfair to other students, it diminishes the reputation of the University and the value of the degrees it confers, and it can result in serious disciplinary action' (Dr. Robert Kirkman, Georgia Tech U)."

Academic integrity means being honest about your intellectual work. Working as a member of a cooperative group is an effective and efficient method for learning biology or any subject. Interacting with other people is a natural way for people to learn, but each person must construct her or his own knowledge in the process. In Biosci 110, we encourage you to work and study together in and out of class meetings. The written materials you produce as homework, in-class activities, and projects will be an outcome of these interactions, but the materials you produce must be your own.
Michigan State University has an all-university policy concerning Integrity and Scholarship of Grades. As a student of Michigan State University, it is your responsibility to become familiar with, understand, and abide by General Student Regulations which protect both you and the university if an infraction has occurred. Ignorance of these regulations is not a defense in cases of infringement. So... Just DON'T Do It!

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